Colossians 3:2

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 KJV

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ye are a...peculiar people!

Yes, we who trust the work of Christ on the Cross, are a peculiar people...whether in 'times past' or in the 'but now' of scripture!

Titus 2:14
Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

…but(!), we are NOT a priesthood, nor an holy nation. 

Here is yet another instance where ‘churchdom’ gets it all mixed up, confusing their congregation as they preach and teach a confused mesage that we are, in essence, spiritual Israel—therefore are to be witnesses of, and adding to (converting) others to the coming Kingdom.  But…

People 'spiritualize' the scripture and thus tell ‘spiritual lies’
because they don't have ‘spiritual eyes.’
[attributed to J.C. O’Hare]

Really now, are we ‘spiritual Israel?’ Whose word(s) should we take as truth?  Some personality who professes to be learned (with the degrees behind his name to prove it); someone who is a polished and a popular, witty speaker?  Or do we hold God and His Word as our Final Authority, far above all other [so-called] authorities?

John 17:17b
…thy word is truth.

Therefore, what saith the scriptures regarding whether we are a royal priesthood or an holy nation?    

The words of 1 Peter 2:9 have been put together with a catchy tune that has now been heard on the radio and sung in churches for many years:  Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation [singular], a peculiar people…  (Can you hear it?) 

To avoid this ‘mix-up,’ this blatant ‘misappropriation of scripture,’ we must put and keep in mind what the Holy Spirit penned through Paul, the ‘apostle to the gentiles (aka, the uncircumcision, aka ‘nations[plural]).   That being, that Peter was one of "the 12" apostles of the circumcision, and by a Gentlemen’s Agreement (along with James and John), wrote and ministered to only Israel. (The other circumcision apostles ministered, but if they wrote anything, the Holy Spirit saw to it that it was not to be included as part of the canon of holy scriptures.  Hence, today the Holy Bible has the books of James, Peter (1,2), and John (+ 1,2,3, and Revelation).  (The books of Jude and the writer of Hebrews are included—and while members of the circumcision—they were not numbered amongst “the 12.”  Here again, their books are written TO Israel, the ‘circumcision,’ and are only for our learning and understanding…not our doctrine.)

Because we, today (in the "But Now," the dispensation of the grace of God) are to go to the epistles of Paul (Romans thru Philemon) for our doctrine and it is in them that the gospel whereby we are saved can be found—FAITH PLUS NOTHING.  (Remember, scripture makes the clear distinction that Israel could only be saved if they had FAITH PLUS WORKS!  Scripture cuts a straight line* between the two gospels and the two methods of salvation…and there is NO crossing that line!)

Therefore, let us NOT be numbered with those that our Lord speaks to when He says…

Matthew 22:29; Mark 12:24
Ye do err not knowing the scriptures, neither the power of God. 

Grace to you!
;j an

P.S.   The TRUTH of the matter, according to the scriptures, is that God has at least two sets of so-specified peculiar peoples (aka, two of the 'Elects of God')!   Two agencies wherewith God is working out His eternal plan and purpose:  The nation Israel (spoken of since the world began) and the Church, the Body of Christ (hid in God before the foundations of the world). 

P.S.S.  Although, being ‘peculiar’ in man’s terminology has something less than a positive connotation, I rejoice at being ‘peculiar’ according to God’s definition of terms!  (But that ‘definition’ is a whole ‘nother study, another day.)


*For those that favor the Greek, it is marvelous and exciting to note that in the Greek “rightly divide” means exactly that:  “cut straight!”   I say “marvelous and exciting” (because it is! …but, also) because this testifies to the excellency of the Word found only in the King James Version, written in English, for English-speaking people.  All other modern [per]versions do not contain that level of excellency. 

(Do you cringe at hearing that every other version is tainted? And, so we should! What a horrible thought!! But, we have the testimony of God that such perverted corruptions have existed ever since our Apostle Paul walked on the earth—and even had it written ‘in stone’ so to speak for our learning and understanding so that we are able to stand against the wiles of the devil and thus steer clear of counterfeits purporting to be the ‘Word of God,’ aka, the Holy Bible.  …but that’s another study, for another day. )

2 Corinthians 2:17
For we [Paul and his followers] are not as MANY, WHICH CORRUPT THE WORD OF GOD: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Janet! We, the Church the Body of Christ, are a peculiar people. The lost world looks at us with the same strange look it looked at God's other peculiar people, Israel. We're "peculiar"... to God's glory! :)
