Colossians 3:2

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2 KJV

Friday, January 1, 2016

The World Has Changed Before My Eyes

I woke up this morning, January 1, 2016, realizing after much investigation that I am now totally convinced the earth is flat. (Please hear me out.) It wasn’t an overnight decision and, admittedly, there is much more understanding that needs to, and will, take place.  But since having my eyes opened to the flat earth model presented, it is like one friend said, “I’m drawn to it like a moth is to a flame.” Once presented with this notion (which by the way I feel is supported in scripture), it is up to everyone to decide to pursue it for themselves...or not. 

God would have us think in line with His thoughts (Romans 3:4 KJB).  However, thinking the earth is a sphere is in line with man's thoughts.  To think otherwise, in my mind, is to reject the very words God has perfectly preserved for us in his pure word for English speaking people, the King James Bible and accept the words of men and their science, falsely so called (1 Timothy 6:20 KJB).

It's important to keep in mind that there is not one human being on the face of the earth that has perfect, unequivocal understanding of anything. That is why we must receive things with a readiness of mind, and then search it out for ourselves...all the while remaining teachable and correctable, because we will never have all the answers but still need to be persuaded in our own minds as to what we will some day stand accountable for. (Acts 17:11; 1 Cor 8:2; Romans 14:5, 12 KJB)


Even so, that being said, I know how ridiculous this sounds at first (it did to me too!), but if you were to take the time to check it out for yourself, you, like many others have, will see this is worthy of serious consideration in light of all the lies surfacing around us in the present evil world.   

For starters, here are some links for your consideration.

God's Flat Earth & the Firmament of His Power III

God's Flat Earth & the Firmament of His Power IV

BEST of Flat Earth Theory, Nov 2015,
Top 10 Clips and channels

Philosophers and Flat Earth.  (We’ve been brainwashed and lied to about shape of the Earth.)

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings

Flat Earth: Proof Of Evidence Model

200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball Videobook